This is a job where we started talking about the possibility of a snow day, and then got everyone talking about the possibility of a snow day, until there was a snow day. It is hard to take a job seriously when they pay you to not come in, drink spiked hot chocolate, and have indoor snowball fights with your roommates
But this took everything to another level: past stealth reading and writing, past any and all workplace related games, past fielding phone calls from cousins. One of the national directors of something-or-other recently had a meeting with our direct supervisors. He asked them if everything was okay. He said he was worried because Annie and I were getting our work done very quickly, with little mistakes, and not struggling like people had in the past. He was worried that something was seriously wrong, that we were hoarding our work, that one day we would leave the company and they would find piles of work stocked away in our desks [I am not embellishing - he actually presented this scenario to them].
Find me another job where it is cause for suspicion when employees are, you know, productive. Competent. Not dumbasses.
But listen: I like most of the fools I work with and I am getting so much reading done and they keep paying in dollars and I keep showing up.
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